Rebecca Charles filed a malpractice case against the hospital and doctors, and nurses.

Reagans fight for life

So, I haven’t posted a lot about what happened to cause Reagan, my daughter, to be hospitalized for 19 days & put on a ventilator for 10 of those days.

Complete Hospital Name : Mobile Infirmary Medical Center

Hospital Website Address :

So, I haven’t posted a lot about what happened to cause Reagan, my daughter, to be hospitalized for 19 days &  put on a ventilator for 10 of those days. 

She hadn’t felt well for a couple weeks at least but she kept pushing through, going to work (she’s a pipe fitter), trying to prepare for Christmas,  they had purchased a home recently so getting moved, trying to get unpacked & settled…she medicated with otc drugs but just continued to get worse. On Thursday,  Dec 29, she didn’t go to work, her husband went in to check on her in the afternoon & her breathing didn’t sound good. He took her to urgent care & they called an ambulance.  She was rushed to the hospital.  They said she had covid, pneumonia with a secondary bacterial pneumonia & possible mrsa virus. Her blood oxygen was low & oxygen was started as was fluids. The nasal cannula was of no help so the high flow was used. They would admit her to ICU. I put out a post asking for help on a group I joined after losing Larry in March 2021. Soon after, people were messaging, texting & calling. Drs, nurses, advocates from all across the U.S. were coming together to help.

The following morning the lab tech was having much difficulty drawing blood. Her blood was so thick & her veins so small. It was so hard watching them repeatedly stick her to no avail. One of the Dr’s I was communicating with said I needed to let the hospital dr do a picc line because they had to get blood to know what all was going on so we did allow it. Needless to say, I don’t trust hospital drs anymore so I was refusing everything they wanted to do.

They said we had to leave the room while they did the picc line so we walked outside. When we were allowed back in, not only had they done the picc line but they ventilated her saying they had to or she would’ve died. The dr wasn’t offering any hope for survival even though he made it seem he had to ventilate for survival. He said her mortality is high, spend some time with her. From that point forward I refused to leave her alone. If I wasn’t in with her, a family member would be. This was the 1st thing I witnessed as God making a way where there didn’t seem to be one. This was ICU & there were very specific visiting hrs & rules but we stayed 24/7 the whole time she was in ICU, Dec 30th to Jan 11th. A precious advocate from WY contacted me & told me to massage a solution into her belly/naval area so I got it brought to me & immediately started saturating her in it. Her inflammatory markers began to decrease very quickly.

I refused remdesivir/veklury, barcitinib/oluminant, the protocol drugs that have led so many to organ failure & death. Needless to say the hospital dr wasn’t happy about that. He had actually given 2 doses of barcitinib before I realized it. I didn’t realized it was called oluminant until this point. I told them to not give her that again but I was concerned they would anyway so 3 of the advocates helping me & I called and told the nurse in charge to mark her chart and DO NOT GIVE THAT MED AGAIN!

When the dr came in the next morning & found out we did that he was pissed. How dare we go against his orders. He felt it best we find another hospital to transfer her to. I was already working toward that so  I said that’s fine. I had requested certain meds be given that he refused as he “only follows the science”. He said she wouldn’t make it during a transfer but that was our choice. He asked if I wanted to speak to the chief of staff as he had already spoken to him concerning our dissatisfaction with her care. In that meeting I was told basically the same thing by the chief of staff that the dr had said. I listened. When he stopped talking, I said I have a question for you, if that was you or your child laying in that bed with a dr telling you she is going to die and you are requesting meds that you know has worked for others in these situations only to have the dr say he’s throwing everything but the kitchen sink at her but he’s not, he’s refusing meds you are requesting. Would you or would you not want them to try everything you are requesting to save you or your child’s life? He never responded to that question.  Just that I needed to find a dr/hospital willing to take her. I said that’s fine. I already have 1 in Houston that will have a plane sent to get her. Then he says she’ll never make it.  After this meeting,  her nurse told me, dont you stop advocating for your daughter, we aren’t going to stop treating her. I knew I had to treat her myself if she were going to get out of there alive. She was paralyzed, on a ventilator,  I was scared. They were giving antibiotics & Steroids which were 2 things she needed, between those, the miracle solution & lots of prayers & worship, some improvement was notable. There were people working around to clock to comb over every detail in her records to find the best way to direct how I could care for her. Anther hospital only an hours flight away agreed to take her. I wanted her transferred out but her husband, brother & sisters did not want her moved. It was either do it anyway & risk losing my whole family if something happened to her on the way or stay, do everything I could do where she was & believe God will bring her through. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing her…but to lose my whole family. I may as well be dead. The torment of these days was hell. The drs were baffled to see her improvements but never asked anything.  We got a new dr the day after the meeting with the chief of staff so I again requested the meds she needed only to start all over again with “I only follow the science”.  He looked me in the eyes and say “you know she’s going to die”. I said “no sir, she’s not. Not on my watch!” 
A few days after that, as her bloodwork continued to improve, a nurse came in and said “I’m advocating for your daughter, she’s coming off this ventilator today! The dr wanted to wait another day or 2 but the nurse was adamant that she had a small window of time & it had to be done that day! I believe it was because that 1st dr was coming back the next day & she knew he wouldn’t get her off of it. I’m forever grateful for God putting her in place that day!!! It took about 3 days for Reagan to really wake up. The A**hat dr was not happy we were still there nor that she had improved. He took her off antibiotics even though her white blood cell count was still elevated. Fortunately the internal med dr from the floor we would be moved to came in & put her back on them. After waking up I could now get more much needed med into her. Everything needed to really treat her & the storm going on inside her was sent to me & I gave it. She was about to be moved from ICU to a regular room. She had been weaned off 12 IV lines of BP meds, pressers, paralytic drugs,  fentanyl, morphine, etc…so much, I’d have to look back at records to list them all. There were only 2 lines now, the antibiotics & 1.3 mg propofol. The nurse came in to hang another bag of propofol & she set it to dispense at 75.8 mg. I didn’t notice until she left the room & Reagans head fell to one side. I hollered for the nurse & asked why she had set it so high. She started decreasing it to the 1.3. It took us 20-30 min to get Reagan to come around. I thanked God for allowing me to be there as no one would’ve noticed until they came back around which would have probably been too late. 

We got of ICU & was I was relieved able to treat her more freely as no one came in very often. The people we did see were shocked she was sitting up, getting around the room & not requiring oxygen. After being lied to by the pulmonologist & no physical therapy coming to do anything we were ready to just get home. There was nothing being done there that I couldn’t do at home.  The only real fear at that point was I couldn’t monitor blood work or do xrays. But I knew what I was being directed to do for her was working & she was definitely improving.
Weve been home since Jan 16th. She’s still improving! 

So many were involved in answering my cries for help, contacting those who could & the professionals who risked & lost everything to save lives instead of buying into the protocols that have killed many thousands of people including my husband,  Larry Andrews. It’s because of his death that Reagans life could be saved. God joined me to so many wonderful people that went to extensive lengths to make sure my daughter would live & not die!!!
I’m forever grateful & thankful for each & every one.

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Janie Andrews

Janie Andrews

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2 thoughts on “Reagans fight for life”

    1. I am just a mom fighting for JUSTICE for my daughter and exposing the doctors and nurse who have participated in following order to kill.

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