Rebecca Charles filed a malpractice case against the hospital and doctors, and nurses.

Douglas MACKENZIE’S story

Douglas was driving a semi cross country 10-day trip. He had a co-partner inside the semi with him. He started feeling sick shortly after he left. Nothing major just headache, chills, fever, and sore throat.

Complete Hospital Name : Guadalupe Regional Medical Center

Hospital Website Address : grmedcenter.


9/6/66 to 9/11/21

We are from Miami, Florida but Texas murdered him.

Douglas was driving a semi cross country 10-day trip. He had a co-partner inside the semi with him. He started feeling sick shortly after he left. Nothing major just headache, chills, fever, and sore throat. He didn’t think anything of it. He was walking every day and driving every day. I want to mention he fell asleep driving the semi and wrecked off the side of the road. The semi company forced him to continue to drive and tell the tow truck company that the brakes went out or he would lose his money in escrow and the pay he had already achieved. He continued to drive.

He progressively complained that he had acquired a cough. The cough was progressively getting worse. I spoke to him Saturday morning and told him I and his daughter had tested positive for covid. This is his 10th day into driving. He said don’t worry honey I’ll be home tomorrow. That never happened!!!!!

They stopped at a truck stop in Sequin Texas. He passed out in the semi and his partner called 911. Upon the EMTs arrival they administered oxygen and got his levels back up in the 90s. He was talking to them and telling them he felt way better, his wife and daughter had tested positive today, and that he had been feeling sick for about a week. He walked to the gurney to get in the ambulance with assistance.

Upon arrival to Guadalupe Medical center he was answering simple questions and able to move all body limbs. In came the ER doctor and immediately vented him against his will. LET ME STRESS THE IMPORTANCE, NOBODY CONTACTED ME ONCE. THE SEMI DRIVER GAVE THEM MY PHONE NUMBER, MY PHONE NUMBER IS ON HIS PHONE, NO LOCK, AND IT’S IN HIS WALLET RIGHT BEFORE HIS INSURANCE CARD! THEY CALLED THE INSURANCE RIGHT AWAY.

I put a tracker on his phone the next day because I was very worried and tracked him to the hospital. They gave me limited information and told me he was on a ventilator. They wouldn’t give me much more than that and would not allow me to fly out for 10 days. Each night I was allowed to call to get an update on my husband. I would have to wait for the nurse to call back some night hours for a 2-minute conversation to say the same or he’s doing better we’ve lowered the oxygen to 80%, to 70%, to 60%. The nurse slipped and told me one night that they gave him too much morphine and his heart stopped and they had to bring him back but everything was okay. The doctor called me one night because my husband was fighting the ventilator, even though he was on strong paralytics, fentanyl, morphine Ativan. The doctor wanted to trach him.

I had no choice but to agree. I flew out 10 days later one side of his face was still completely black and blue from him refusing the ventilator. I begged to see the doctor for the 3 days. I was in the room from sun up to sun down. Finally, the last day there, he came in for about 30 seconds and told me my husband was critically ill. They were going to transfer him to a long-term living facility because there’s nothing more they could do. He was the most unprofessional, inhumane man I have ever met more or less a doctor.
They told me he was doing fine so I flew home on 9:10 to get some belongings so I would be able to follow him to the skilled nursing facility and our daughter could return to school. The next morning they called to say his oxygen had dropped and that he was on 100% ventilator. Reading his medical report it seems that when I was there they had removed a lot of the medications, we were trying to wake him up. He was waking up when I was there he was flaunting his legs and moving his head but the minute I left they said it was aggression and put him back on the paralytics, fentanyl, Ativan, many more.

DURING his stay they gave him Baricitinib, remdesivir, morphine, fentanyl, Propofol, lots of paralytics. It included vancomycin (after trying many different antibiotics for a bacterial infection heat contacted through the hospital) and lots and lots of sodium medications.

If you need anything more please let me know I seek Justice for my sweetheart. He passed away a week after is 55th birthday and 3 days after our 20th wedding anniversary. He was my soulmate, the love of my life, and the best father in the world to our 16 year old daughter.

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